Hello dear reader!
I live in the beautiful Slovenija and study computer science in Koper. I started blogging in the 2005 but stopper later because I was lazy. I have then repeated the process and here I am now, with a completely redesigned blog, writing once again.
I write about whatever comes into my mind but my posts are mostly related to web developing and programming, since this is what I like doing in my free time (instead of studying, stupid me).
I am an amateur photographer and I own a precious Canon EOS 5 (without the D) and a Canon EOS 650D. When I’m in the mood I take one of those out with me and take some shots (lately I’m a bit lazy even for this). I like shooting nature but also know how to photograph concerts, events and people. Some of my photos got published in (local) newspapers and on the web. Feel free to visit my deviantART and Flickr galleries.
The pain when you find out the <img src>
is broken 🙁